Monday 18 January 2016

Assertiveness and a rather poorly Pip

Well it was back to reality today in more ways than one. I started with the home school at 8 o'clock this morning. Still need to work out how many hours I'm teaching. They can't really afford the hourly rate but we need to agree on a time table. It is a source of income for the mornings but the lesson preparation and marking time need to be taken into account. I have some private students that I  wish to continue with. It does mean though I am occupied in the mornings which is good as I can feel at a loose end without structure to my day. Just need to strike the right balance with how many students I take on.

After teaching I moved home from cat sitting. Our elderly jack russell cross fox terrier Pip is suddenly deteriorating again which is a bit upsetting. He is in a worse state than he was back in October when he previously took a dip. Our next door neighbour who unfortunately only has part time work kindly looked after Pip while my Mum and I were at work.

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