Saturday 9 January 2016

Trying to Trust

January is progressing at a fast rate and I'm trying different avenues of what I am going to do this year. Unfortunately I didn't get the librarian position I was hoping for. Teaching seems to be what I will be doing but need to actively seek out students. My other back burner is to get on and try write. Want to share on my experience of overcoming bipolar depression and my rather disastrous end to my PhD in Switzerland. Also could write about my relationship with my Dad and I need to work on trying to come to the point of forgiving him.

Everyone else seems to be motoring ahead on career paths and doing something meaningful with their lives. A whole lot of people have just got engaged too and others have just had babies. Another area that seems far off for me. Had dinner with school friends last night and the one said maybe chemistry is not everything and I should go with the steadfast friend. Hmmm, food to think on.

I possibly need to make myself more open to the idea of taking bigger leaps of faith and get out of my comfort zone. See my psych on Wednesday. Will see what her take on all this is. Last time she upset me by challenging me that I hide behind my bipolar and don't really push myself in job applications.

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