The friend I have been cat sitting for gets back tomorrow lunch time. I will miss having virtually no power cuts, being able to watch DSTV and having the company of the cats I have been looking after, Ginger and Missy. I have also made a friend, the house keeper Evermore's little girl Kudzi. Together with the kitties we have gone on botanical expeditions around the garden with the agenda of also giving Ginge and Missy some exercise. Will also miss listening to the new Adele cd my Sister gave me for Christmas on surround sound in Vee's car.
Ginger |
Missy |
Kudzi |
Tomorrow I am also supposed to start at the home school. Need to come to some sort of an agreement though as I need to do other teaching to survive financially and it is still not clear which subjects I will be teaching and my time table. I have been reading the syllabus for teaching environmental management and it would appear that you can't take it under Cambridge as a private student. This could be a problem for the plan to teach my Dutch student via Skype. It's an interesting syllabus though and I will need to brush up on some of the geo aspects of it. Am going to have to stand my ground in negotiating on conditions and salary with the home school as I could technically earn more with private tutoring.
Seen friends whilst house sitting and caught up with people which has been nice. One friend is potentially leaving Zim though which is sad. Makes me think about the fact that I need to be earning enough here to live independently which I am not. Like my friend though I don't really want to leave.
Cats are quite moody, so you have to be patient while doing any type of cat sitting.