Saturday 28 October 2017

The Big Blog Theory

Had writing group this morning at the Bottom Drawer and the others are challenging themselves to take part in the National Novel Writing Month. You are supposed to conceptualise what you're going to write the month before and then from the 1st start writing around 1 600 words a day. I don't really have a novel in mind but it was suggested I try convert my blog writings into a book. One of the others is going to write a book on depression. Have toyed with writing my own before. I should get writing.

So much for my pool side chilling idea for this weekend. It has turned rather chilly and is threatening to rain. I've realised that when I packed for house sitting in the sultry days we had last week I didn't think to pack a cardigan. I am now eyeing the ready laid out fire place and thinking about lighting it - yes, a fire in October! There's a big "National Braai Day" happening across at Old Hararians Sports Club and the music is so loud it feels like I have Jah Prayzah in the living room. I reckon it's going to go on til late. Apparently according to the person I am house sitting for's aunt, it gets really interesting when OH and Alex Sports Club have events on at the same time and one doesn't get much sleep. Let's see how strong my medication is. I'm also right next to the Harare German Society and they throw concerts too.

Went to the Tanglewood exhibition last night. There were some of the artists who had exhibited previously and a couple of others. Met up with friends here from England. The one had dropped me home the previous week and had followed her GPS to get home. Unfortunately it led her straight to the cordoned off part of Borrowdale Road by State House. Luckily she saw the barricade and realised she couldn't go through but none of us had warned her not to go past Mugabe's house at night. It really should be built into Google Maps and sat navs.

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