Thursday, 26 October 2017

White Rabbit, Red Rabbit and sweltering in Harare

Went to watch White Rabbit, Red Rabbit at Theatre Upstairs last night. It is a play that can only ever be acted once by an actor as they are handed the script as the play commences without having set eyes on it before then and have to run with it. It is a play written by an Iranian Nassim Soleimanpour and definitely throws in the unexpected but leaves you thinking a lot afterwards and it powerfully gets its message across. Kevin Hanssen who performed it last night, threw himself into it and did a remarkable job with the unseen script. Would recommend you go along if you can and watch the other actors. It is a very different piece of theatre.

So my personal trainer agreed to doing a pool training session today. I ended up doing it in the pool of the other house I'm keeping an eye on as it is easier to dive in there. In my mind I pictured it as a sort of aquacise workout, although my trainer had said it would be cardio. Um, yes it was intense and my arms are feeling it now and I am pretty wiped out. I had to race up and down the pool, get out and do squats and lunges with the kilo bell and then used the weights in the pool too. At one point my trainer said she's not a sadist. I just grunted. While I was doing all this Loice the housekeeper sat on the veranda watching and shaking her head. I had Misia the mini staffie circling the pool checking I was OK. Will do it again on Monday.

It has been hot again this week. Hopefully it will rain soon. Had a break through with my grade two in home school today, as she finally grasped what we were doing and suddenly began enjoying it. Has been quite a battle of wills. Can't believe tomorrow is Friday already. This week has flown and the end of year is fast approaching. Am helping with the Convent Old Girls' lunch on the 11th at Alo Alo.

This weekend there's an art exhibition at Tanglewood in Borrowdale. Am teaching on Saturday morning and then have writing group. There is the Zimbabwe music teachers' concert in the afternoon. Will depend on whether the mechanic has finished fixing a water leak in our car by then. If it continues to be this hot a lot of this weekend will be spent by the pool.

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