Wednesday 17 October 2018

Frog spawn and chicken pox

Still living in uncertain times here in Zim. I have just been past Borrowdale Spar and there were queues of people with their bottles of Mazoe orange juice - clearly this is now a sought after essential.

Tomorrow we break for half term (two extra days on either side of the weekend). One of our students has gone down with chicken pox. I am hoping I am not getting it (I've never had it). Got home after a quiz last night to a splitting heading and feeling nauseous and still not feeling great today. Don't really want to spend half term sick.

We had fun and games in my swimming class yesterday. Halfway through the lesson the pool suddenly became inundated with rather large frogs verging on toads. My one rather naughty boy was swimming a length and went face first into one. His face when he surfaced and saw what it was in front of him was priceless. I had a really had time trying not to chuckle away. I ended up going round the pool scooping frogs out with the pool net and putting them in a nearby flowerbed. Some of the frogs were mating and this is what really freaked my class out with the spawn floating round them. I told them it really wouldn't kill them, but they weren't buying it. There was also a water scorpion to add to the mayhem.

 My friend Nina wrote - To brew the ultimate teacher-silent-laughing-at-her-students potion add:
4 parts mating frogs
1 cup frog spawn
2 parts water scorpions
and a generous mix of 10 to 13 year olds.

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