Wednesday 31 October 2018


Walked into my classroom this morning to be sprung upon by a group of my boys saying, "Boo!" and then, "Happy Halloween!" I was slightly preoccupied, so didn't get a huge fright. Got my class to write Halloween poems for creative writing. My one naughtier boy wrote in his plan "Aim: to give Ms Lannas nightmares." He wrote a good poem though. At lunchtime I switched on Zoom to have my six year old in China's mum asking me to wait a minute. He suddenly appeared in front of the camera decked out in a wizard's hat and proudly spun round to show me a cape with gold pumpkins on it. Guess everyone is celebrating Halloween today. Didn't know it extended as far as China but there you go.

I was quiz mistress at the Mustard Seed last night and did a heavily Halloween themed quiz. I think I made the first round on history in October a little too difficult in places. I had requests at the end to include questions on birds, sport and things like 1+1 next time if I do another quiz. OK.

Met up with a good friend this afternoon at Queen of Hearts who is back briefly from the UK, where she lives now. Was so good to see her and made me realise I have really missed her. Hopefully see her in Oxford in December.

I am on staff tea duty this week. It is going to be interesting getting ingredients tomorrow as not only does everything cost a bomb at the moment (some prices having more than doubled), it is also hard to find some things. Interesting times. One teacher at break today said it was good to compare where we shop and find things as we can find things more cheaply. Another teacher replied, "Is anything cheaper?" At least the fuel queues seem to have eased up slightly. Last week they were ridiculous. Life in Zimbabwe.

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