Monday, 29 October 2018


Things have been busy with school and then two Nyanga trips. We had our school swimming gala on Friday, luckily no more frogs. While in Nyanga I went up Mount Nyangani with two others. The initial stage was painful but managed to get better at going uphill and surprised myself with a steep bit I managed on my way down. The other two kept telling me it was going to be flat after steep bits (they did lie at times and one looked back to see my face on seeing another steep bit). You have to have a guide as seven people have gone missing on the mountain - something our guide kept reiterating and implying we might be the next if we didn't obey cultural laws which included not being sarcastic, not pointing at anything and not comparing the mountain to others - all of which proved to actually be quite hard to not do.

I have been asked to give a talk on my experiences with depression at an event a friend in organising on depression at the Rokpa Centre on the 19th. Trying to pen down what I am going to say. Forgot to take my medication on Saturday and had a sudden dip yesterday. Haven't felt low like that for a while now. It seems to be lifting a bit today but it makes you panic as you think what if it is coming back.

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