Tuesday 28 May 2019

All systems go

This week is a bit frenetic with last minute stuff for the Wild Geese Art Festival on Sunday. I decided to get some more art mounted by Wechi, so went charging off there yesterday after school to get it done. We played around with different colour backings and they kindly said they could get it ready before Saturday. Whilst at 167 I also booked for a friend's 60th birthday lunch at Aroma on Saturday. Originally I was going to be hosting it.

Tomorrow I have a workshop looking at bipolar depression at Parirenyatwa Hospital with a visiting psychiatrist from Ethiopia. It should be interesting. Had to move my lesson from tomorrow to Friday (means less time to find petrol, but oh well). I have been invited to dinner tomorrow evening with a friend in Monavale to meet her son who I am Facebook friends with but haven't actually met in person.

Sent two students to the head today for misbehaving. The one cheekily said to the head when she asked what he was doing there that I had said they got the plural of mouse wrong. Er no, that is not what I said, nice try. The girls in my maths class today decided they were going to do each fraction sum in a different colour of the rainbow and then took it upon themselves to mark their answers and give themselves full marks even though they got some wrong and gave themselves a smiley face. It has been an interesting day. I need to come up with ideas for races for the school sports day by Friday. My personal trainer Cara, suggested coordination with opposite arms and legs and things for core strength.

Talking of personal training, I had a reprieve today with a Pilates session. I have been pushing quite hard up until now with some heavy going workouts. I think it is paying off. The Pilates wasn't easy today.

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