Friday, 3 May 2019

The Elephant and Pineapple

Today I am mostly enjoying my last few days of being on holiday. Just taught my Chinese 6 year old online and am off to teach biology again just now. There was a slightly awkward issue with my biology teaching as the mother thought I was charging my rate for 2 hours not one. The fee for 2 hours is not viable, have reached a compromise though. With my Chinese student I gave him a tour of Victoria Falls with photos and videos I have. He then wanted to know if Barnaby Bear had been to China so we looked it up and he had. Somehow got on to Kung Fu and I showed him the video below. We ended with him making me a paper airplane and house so I can go visit him in China.

Bit sore today from personal training. We did another chipper where you work down reps of things from 100 and since we got through all of that with time to spare, Cara got me to do an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of squats and presses, hand release press ups and then my all time favourites - burpees. I died. My head at school thinks I've lost more weight though. Am pushing hard with Cara.

There's a poetry and dance evening at The Elephant and Pineapple this evening in Newlands. Also been invited to a friend's birthday at Queen of Hearts and I am having coffee with a friend after teaching. So will be quite a social evening.

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