Sunday, 26 July 2020

An extra job and mental health

Have an interview for some extra teaching tomorrow. It's to support some children learning from home. I just am not going to survive on my current income. Basically earn just enough to pay our gardner on my main salary. It's going to mean working even harder but I have no choice. It's that or we may have to leave Zim as we just cannot afford to live here any more. I will also be doing some marking for the Allied Arts poetry and literature eisteddfod. I think a lot of people are barely making ends meet and living hand to mouth here.

At lunchtime I took part in a recorded online panelist discussion on mental health. There was someone from the Friendship Bench, some other support groups and health practitioners. We are going to do another session next weekend and it will eventually be posted online for a mental health virtual festival.

Otherwise have pottered round the garden, watering plants and being with my dogs. There was an art festival at Mukuvusi Woodlands today that I would have liked to have gone to but we are trying to be careful (my sister is freaking out about us going out and about). There is a third and final art auction for Daryl Nero's art which will be online.

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