Thursday 16 July 2020

(proverbe) Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir

It's almost time for Zumba with my sister. Am nearly through the first week of the two week break between "terms" for school. We closed last week Friday and were supposed to have the grade 7 exam class starting back on the 28th but from newspaper reports it seems that might not happen now. It makes it all rather difficult to plan. I am trying to put together a term plan for now until some point in September. It is proving quite a task and feels like we've had an awful lot of school. Besides the fact that correspondence school is just not working for some. Am still waiting for one student to hand in work.

In between school prep I have been doing quite a bit of art which has been nice. I went out to Mazowe to a farm to paint aloes on Tuesday and was rather pleased with my two pieces. Loving using cadmium yellow at the moment. Want to try capture the jacaranda avenues with their yellow leaves. The first of the msasas are starting to come out.

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