Friday 24 July 2020

Exam postponed, phew

So the big news on Wednesday evening was that the CHIZ ATS schools have decided to postpone again the grade 7 high school entrance exam. A big PHEW! Means I get next week off and theoretically we resume school on the 3rd of August online. We wait and see what happens with next week's MDC demonstration and Corona. Closer to home a staff member at the Pick'n'Pay in Strathaven tested positive for Corona and they had to shut down and sanitize or SANE-tise as a friend put it. It is definitely very much out there now. My sister is still not talking to us and hasn't invited me to do Pilates or Zumba this week. We can't just up and go though, it's not straightforward.

As I was trying to find topics for social studies, I put it out to some of my class as to what they would like to learn about. One student said he'd like to study Apartheid. Good choice. That will take several lessons and is a relevant bit of history. Yesterday with my student that I tutor, we did nutrition. Was interesting to see the traditional theory of a balanced diet which is heavily carbohydrate based. We discussed the newer low carb option and then looked at diseases from deficiencies. I had forgotten about goitre and beri beri. You do need your grains for Vitamin B in some forms of starch. Today I don't teach online. I am trying to find my CELTA teaching English as a foreign language certificate. I know I put it in a "safe place" but can't remember where.

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