Wednesday 22 July 2020

It's a bit like Groundhog Day

With the sudden clamp down by government again last night and lock down being more strictly reinstated once more, there is a tangible sense of deja vu and here we go again. I'm glad I saw a few people this last weekend before going back into hibernation. A few people went to art this morning but I opted to stay home. I also managed to persuade my grade 7 student I am privately tutoring to have an online lesson. They hadn't installed Zoom so we had to do it over Skype which was not ideal as you can't share screens or have a white board, but we managed. They are currently trying to install Zoom for tomorrow, but gosh, didn't know there were so many Zoom apps to choose from now. I just had one option when I installed mine.

Lock down this morning didn't start well. Our dog Jasper is not good with other people if we are around and my mum unwittingly let the dogs out the back door, not knowing our gardner was walking round the corner at that precise moment. Jasper went for him and punctured his hand. We dressed the wound but my mum thought it best to take Given to the trauma centre for tetanus and other things. Unfortunately the CIMAS clinic in Rowland Square was closed, so she took Given to Health Point, which cost a bomb (six weeks' worth of online private teaching blown in one go). It had to be done though. Given has now gone back home to Epworth with the lock down. He rode all the way on his bicycle and was going to take back roads to avoid the police to get home. Means I need to do the watering in the garden.

Did some art in the garden today and some watering. My sister didn't invite me to join Pilates tonight, I think she's still really cross with me.

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