Monday 27 July 2020

Good news in the time of Corona

Managed to get out into the garden and start a painting this morning. Did a wash of water colour and will work into it with ink. Before that I did some school stuff and asked my class for topics they want to cover in this next term. A lot of them said they want to learn about Zimbabwean and African history. We have done the Chimurengas and slavery before but guess we can visit them again. I think my class is going to be very #blacklivesmatter conscious with slavery and Apartheid but I guess they need to know to have a balanced view.

Did a lesson online and then drove across to Borrowdale Brooke for an interview. I got the job to tutor children who are doing online work from Hellenic and I start on Wednesday. This will really help my income and they will cover my fuel. It means I'm going to be working pretty darn hard when school resumes but I have to.

The other good news is that I have sold a painting. It's the one I did out at Mazowe the week before last.

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