Sunday 20 December 2020

Trouble with Alexa, toothpaste and lipstick

 I really enjoyed my week of au pairing in Borrowdale Brooke. I am very fond of the three children and it was fun to do play things instead of school work. Getting the eldest to do some of her work was heavy going in lock down remote learning. We went for long walks around the golf estate and they had loads of fun plastering me with make up. I had a purple eye shadow face the one day, congealed toothpaste in my hair another and lastly lipstick as a face mask. On Friday I didn't realize their stepdad was at home and they gave the order "Alexa, play Ed Sheeran... LOUDLY!" Their stepdad came flying downstairs to turn it off and said he was in an important online board meeting with Australia, China and South Africa! Big ooops. 

Have been at home this weekend but tomorrow I move across to Helensvale to great dane, oscar fish and rabbit sit. Teeny bit worried that the electric gate doesn't work because the batteries have been stolen three times - from inside the property! There is an alarm system though. I will be there until the 3rd of January. 

My big news is that next term will be my last at Spectrum as I have been offered a job teaching junior high school maths and geography at Chisi. I will be very sad to leave Spectrum and my work load will be way heavier (28 to a class at Chisi compared to 5 next year at Spectrum). But I think it will offer me job development and I think I will enjoy teaching high school again. In the meantime I have a few International School students to tutor. The IB syllabus is pretty rigorous, I won't lie. 

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