Wednesday 1 January 2014

A new year

Some how New Year always makes me a bit moody and a tad down. I think it is the thought of change and I cling to the familiar of the past year even if it hasn't been the best of years. Feeling a bit nervous about tomorrow when I go out to get a feel for the new job and have to sort out the details of the contract. In many ways it will be good for me and a positive change. It will bring with it big changes in my lifestyle though and be the first full time job I've had since returning to Zim. A structured day should be better though and it should be a good balance of interacting with people, being outdoors and doing some research.

I guess nobody knows what the new year will bring. Zim remains unpredictable. The new indigenization laws and the threat of returning to the Zimbabwe dollar loom. What this will mean remains unclear.

One has to just trust God that it will be a good year and that we will be given what we can cope with. I therefore wish you a year of favour and blessings and that God will smile on what your future holds.

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