Tuesday 28 January 2014

Cloudy Weather

Last week seemed to be going well and I was fairly sociable but on Friday I hit another dip and ended opting out of various social engagements and instead spent most of the weekend buried away under my duvet feeling rubbish. It's been overcast for the last week or so which might have contributed to it but also, whilst I had a meeting over the job and it looks set to kick off next week, it's still rather vague and I have yet to see the final contract.

Being sociable felt like a mountain I just couldn't face. I managed to go to a pub quiz on Thursday but on Friday I just couldn't summon the energy to go out and be sociable. It looks like for the beginning I will be based mostly in town, with a few days out every so often in Marondera. This is probably a good thing.

Had things that had to be done today for some other work and that finally pulled me out of my cocoon and face the world again. Having things that I have to do can make me come out of a slump. Having structure is good for me.

Hoping next week will bring more clarity and structure and I'll get a better idea of where things are going workwise. I'm going to have to really practise being assertive.

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