Thursday 8 October 2015

Marlborough, Froxfield & Avebury

Today Sarah kindly drove me to see a family friend in Froxfield. My sister was supposed to join us but her train got delayed. Was good to see Jo Jones as I haven't seen her for at least ten years. En route we stopped in Marlborough and then went to Froxfield and had lunch at The Pelican Pub.

On the way back we stopped at Silbury Hill - an ancient artificial hill made of chalk that they still don't know what it was built for. We also went on to Avebury and walked around the circle of Stonehenge like stones. How they got them all there is unfathomable.

Driving back we took the wrong turn from Swindon but ended up seeing the Cotswold which was pretty and the countryside was lovely.

Have spent this evening trying to work out the Underground map for my trip to London tomorrow. Will be going in to Victoria Station and then going to the Natural History Museum.  I will then meet friends in Covent Garden and spend the night with another friend near Epping. Little nervous of navigating it but can always ask people.

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