Wednesday 12 September 2018

Double teaching act today

Sheesh, I am pretty pooped this afternoon. Our head was sick and off school today, so I had to quickly print stuff for her class to do and run back and forth between her class and mine. I did combine her class with mine for our free standing structure building challenge and it went pretty well. My class was stoked to be individually assigned "an assistant" and they did all work well together. My two girls trumped the boys though with theirs - go girls!! After break it was a little trickier as I had to run two maths classes and the one little boy who has really bad eye sight has to have everything re-written for him on his own mini white board. While this was all going on a lady arrived to enquire about the school but her daughter should really apply for the Sunshine Project, so I gave her their number quickly. At the end of the morning the head's class were getting on quietly with a comprehension in their classroom - so quietly that all three of us teachers completely forgot they were still there and didn't dismiss them at home time. Ten minutes after all the others had gone to the gate, one little girl came through and said could they go home - oooooops.

Had the last lesson with my Chinese student yesterday and we re-read his favourite book from when he has been here - King Bidgood's in the Bathtub. We also followed how to draw a dragon based on Emily Gravett's book "Again!" We finished by watching Mr Mistoffelees - my student's favourite song, particularly due to the magic in it. His mum said she will try play it to him in China but she said some stuff on Youtube is blocked there. Am very happy that he will be back again in January - YAY!! In the meantime we will continue with lessons on Zoom. I will miss he and his family lots.

Have a board meeting tonight for the XenArts dance project. I will probably have to give an update on the situation in Zim - hmmm. There's no foreign currency or cash and everything is really expensive ... will see what I come up with.

My friend Xenoula who runs Xen Arts, working with women at Oasis in Zimbabwe.

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