Saturday, 15 September 2018

Stil in Love in the Time of Cholera

Well I had a nasty mishap yesterday when I went to check on the other house I was house sitting. Parked the car on what I thought was a flat bit of the drive way on Colston Hill and DID put on the hand brake. Went in to the house to check on things and came out to see the car rolling down the hill into the stone wall of the property - aaaaaaaargh! Heart failure. It took two hours to extract the car from the wall with the help of the gardener, house keeper and office manager on the property. My boyfriend did offer to come help too but managed to get it out with the four of us there. Did have to tow the truck up the slope and unwedge it from the rubble. Then saw the damage and felt really bad as it is not my car or wall. Thankfully no people or animals were behind the car when it rolled and luckily for me, the owner of the car is on fully comprehensive insurance. I now just have to get a police report and then go to insurance on Monday. My week was ending so well up until that point (my class behaved beautifully and had ended the week on a good note).

I had thought I was going to have to cancel seeing my step-brother Callum today but once again my boyfriend was amazing and sacrificed watching two important rugby matches to drive me out to Lilfordia to pick up Callum. He even arrived at 7.30 this morning with a thermos of coffee for me - what a keeper. We had a lovely day with Callum exploring the Avondale Fleamarket and then the Maasdorp Upmarket, having lunch at my favourite place, The Bottom Drawer. It was fun seeing Harare through someone else's eyes. For the first time I experienced a supermarket posting someone at the door to dispense hand sanitiser because of the cholera outbreak at Food Lovers in Avondale. Does make sense I guess.

The German Society has a concert on tonight and it feels like I have the performers in the same room as me. It actually is fairly decent music but I am not sure how late this is going to go on for. Sadly one of the dachshunds has cancer and is not doing too well. I hope she lasts until her owner gets back. She was quite poorly on Thursday and didn't get off her bean bag all day but she is little perkier now.

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