Life continues under lockdown. I finally have the maths books for Form 1 and 2 for Chisi next term. They follow the IGCSE Core Maths for those classes, fairly straight forward but harder than standard Form 1 and 2. I still don't know if I'm taking Form 3 or Form 1 and 2 geography. Be nice to know. Form 3 is going to be a lot more work in preparation as I have to create loads of case studies. It would also be nice to get an indication for maths and geo where I am likely to pick up from next term. All of this would help me get on top of things while I have the extra time. I understand they're all busy with online school though.
Have caught up with a few friends I haven't heard from in a while online. The one, I did ecology and botany with at UCT and we worked together a lot and did things like preparing our bug collections for entomology, going after the elusive cicadas together and then mounting them to hand in. We also spent a month doing fieldwork together in Kruger Park with some others. Good memories. Another friend I've been in touch with a bit more recently, but found out her film, Ava From My Class, has just been selected for the Sundance Film Festival. We had a lovely catch up yesterday.
Sadly heard that a friend who was only two years ahead of me at school, died yesterday after a long hard fight with cancer. Very very sad as last year it sounded as though she was winning. Thinking of her family and loved ones.
Today was my last day of having physio. If it gets sore or inflamed again I can go back, but for now I am good and must keep doing gentle exercise to build up strength. No running or jumping yet, but will get there. Might do a month's fitness classes with my friend Lucy under my trainer Demi.
Quite a lot of people I know are saying they have COVID. I'm not sure what government plans from next week. I some how don't see us going back to school, but who knows what they will decide. We're still keeping a low profile and not socialising much and wearing masks. Ivermectin seem to be getting the go ahead overseas as the go to drug.