Thursday 14 January 2021

Balancing balls and floating across the Limpopo

 Had an early physio session at Hands On with Maud this morning. She got me to do calf raises and then try balance on a balancing ball ... well that was interesting! Still some way to go and it is still quite painful. Am keeping up my exercises for my achilles at home.

Got back home to tree fellers in the garden. A jacaranda was damaged in Tuesday's storm and is threatening to keel over. It leaves quite a hole in the garden though and the tree fellers just missed my tibouchina, narrow miss. 

One of my best friends from university days, Warren, got in touch yesterday and we had a lovely catch up this morning. Had to laugh, he suggested that if things become dire here Corona-wise, he would meet me at the South African border by the Limpopo River with a queen size mattress, and my mum and I can float across to the other side. I pointed out, the problem would be that he had the mattress! I would need to bring it. But hey, that's the plan, crocodiles and all.

I go in to Chisi tomorrow to go and sign my contract. It is looking like I might teach Form one and two geography rather than Form three, but will see. I have been going through the IGCSE text book and putting together resources already. Form one and two would be easier though and would help me adjust in a bit more gradually rather than jumping off at the deep end.

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