Sunday, 3 January 2021

New year, back to school in the time of Corona

 Well yet again the rules have all changed with increasing cases of Corona here in Zim. Hopewell Chin'ono has reported that there is a bad outbreak in the high density suburb of Harare, Kuwadzana. Wondering what the situation is like in Epworth, where our gardner Given lives. The government has imposed stricter lockdown again and we are back to square one with trying to teach. Our head and deputy head are going to decide tomorrow what we do as a school. The deputy head said my grade 7's aren't a ZIMSEC exam class so don't really qualify to return. (Government has said only ZIMSEC grade 7s and then O and A Level classes will resume next week). It is also debatable whether we can do work packs as it is non-essential work. This means we might not get paid. The family I worked for in Borrowdale Brooke are keen for me to be a tutor if schools don't go back. Trouble is would mean I have to get across town everyday. A friend said maybe I can live there for the next month - I don't know about that.

I could do with the extra time to try get on top of preparation for teaching geography in the second term. I have made a start but it is vast and I am going to have to put in a lot of time on this. The style of teaching has changed since I last taught a class. It is very much more student driven and enquiry based learning. I am balking a bit at how to get across so much detail, whilst still letting the students take charge. I also need to find out where I will pick up from next term, to help me with developing my plans. Although I will need to be familiar with all the first term stuff I didn't teach too. Think I would find it a little easier if it was my own subject, biology, but it is what it is. I will also be taking form one and two maths, need to check if we're following Cambridge for that.

I have a physio appointment tomorrow but otherwise keeping excursions to only the essentials. Supposed to be playing family online games tonight with family in the UK and Cape Town.

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