Thursday 21 January 2021

Aspiring to Hussein Salim ... well trying!

Today I took a break from preparing to teach geography next term and got out my art supplies. Sarah Fynn has set the art group two projects for lockdown. The first is a selfie self portrait, in which you exaggerate and emphasize one of your features. Haven't done this yet. The second is to chose a cluttered surface in your house (lots of choices in ours) and do a still life. Then ... and in this here lies the challenge, you use a section of your still life to etch and print from, rolling out black oil paint and printing off this. You then work colour into your print and try take your inspiration from the work of Hussein Salim. As one person in the art group put it, "Love his work, but oh God help!"

So I finished my still life, but have yet to try printing and experimenting. Might be fun to try more still lives along this process. Bathroom shelf, dressing table, art counter. The still life was harder than I thought to draw but got me going with ellipses. 

Enjoying having time with my dogs. They both are snouting out mangoes and a blind worm! There are lots of purple-glossed snakes in Monavale. There is a plan to make a bird, snake and insect book for the area. 

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