Thursday 28 November 2013


As my posts have been quite negative the last couple of weeks and since today is both Thanksgiving and the start of Hanukkah I thought I would just add the things I am grateful for. I am blessed to have caring people around me and good friends, a great therapist and a concerned and caring doctor and psychologist. I am lucky to be in a position to afford to receive care and treatment for my depression and have people who would stand in the gap for me if I needed it. I have a roof over my head, dogs that love me and who I love, a brain, connections and different options.

I came across this cartoon today - see this link Here’s A Shocking Truth If You Think You’ve Wasted Your Life
I guess I have many options and need to remain open to new challenges and opportunities. That's what life is about.

To those who read this blog and who give me support, thank you :)

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