Sunday, 8 July 2018

So much for not hearing from me :P

I managed to finish everything I needed to this weekend and go to two baby showers and have people round for lunch - I actually seem to achieve more with a bit of pressure (a little, not going to test that theory too far). Was also invited to a kitchen tea yesterday but sadly couldn't divide myself in three - did have fomo though. The baby showers were special. Both girls I've been at school with. The mum of one went all out making baby booties from cardboard that had marshmallows in as a gift for each of us. The second baby shower was at Tin Roof but in a side room (I had pictured us sitting by the main bar I won't lie :P ). The best gift I thought was a push plastic motorbike! Brilliant idea.

I have just about finished my NILD assignment - cut 20 words. Need to cull another 23. Sitting waiting to try again at our weekly Skype discussion group. It didn't work sound wise just now when we tried. Fingers crossed it's going to work just now. Otherwise maybe they should try Zoom.

Eeeek, they actually were back on as I was sitting here waiting to be called. Luckily didn't miss too much and not everyone was on the second attempt. BEST NEWS EVER - I don't have to write essays this next week and the week after - only one more in the fourth week, at which point I will be on holiday - YAY!!!! Am so relieved - life just got easier - although I will have lots of reading. Tonight I am getting cracking with report comments before I get my first load of exam marking tomorrow (28 papers to mark a day - let's see how much work I created with the questions I set 😁

Have to make staff tea this week on Friday. I am looking for recipes that are quick and easy where possible. A friend is going to send me a pastry free quiche recipe and date and chocolate fridge cake. I might do some sausages and samosas again too. I told my class the other day that if they gave me two things I was asking for in their answer they would get brownie points. The one boy says, "Oh, are you going to make us all brownies?" - that's not what I said. I said maybe if they all behave but that is bribery and corruption and I don't believe in that. They have also been calling synonyms cinnamons. I hope I don't get major exam howlers but I am sure I may get one or two. My grade 7's wrote their entrance exams yesterday. Hoping they get in. Tomorrow I have to take assembly. Possibly should talk about exams but have prepared on saying kind things to each other. Think my class especially needs to think about this.

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