Monday, 29 June 2020

And boom into another week

Today was an early morning Monday and it kicked off with a staff meeting to discuss the way forward. It seems government is going to let exam classes back on the 28th of July (I teach grade 7s so we are in that category). The other grades will slowly filter back after. All of the staff will have to be tested for Corona before we start and apparently be re-tested again 30 days after. The whole school will have to be sanitized and each teacher is going to be armed with a temperature gun to monitor our class. It's all a bit surreal. We're only going to get a two week break before we resume back at school and we could be going until September. This of course could all change. There has been a case of a student and then a teacher who had COVID last term at a private school. It's the first close to home case I've heard of here in Zim.

It will be good to have my students in class though, as some are really falling woefully behind with remote teaching. There are two in my class who haven't done any of the maths classwork I've set since term began. I'm not sure how we're going to catch them up on that. They have also taken to muddling up their work books, doing English and maths all over the place in the same book. It makes marking a nightmare. For some of the others, they say they understand on Zoom, but their work tells a different story.

This afternoon I met with a friend who has just been diagnosed with being bipolar. We talked about meds, therapy, diet, exercise, anxiety and faith. I found that on my previous medication I felt things more strongly and I had a stronger faith, but when I switched to lithium, it numbed my emotions and my faith took a dive. I said that through my experience you come to know yourself in a deeper way and you learn what your triggers are.

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