Friday, 19 June 2020

Half Term in the time of COVID

It's a funny sort of half term. We have had six weeks of remote learning. There is rumour that the government is going to open schools again on the 28th of July (two weeks before school holidays) which means this is going to be a very long, strange term. Some of my students are doing well and keeping on top of the work sent. Some haven't done any of the maths classwork since we started (hangs head in dismay, but they don't seem perturbed). The grade 7 entrance exams have been postponed to August. I hope this doesn't make my lot sit back and not do anything. There is only so much you can do over Zoom and trying to tell their parents. Last half term I was in the Vumba with friends. Seems another life time ago. Some people are travelling this weekend. It is all a bit of an odd scenario as technically we're still in lock down but not.

When we eventually get back to school.

It is definitely winter now. The grey days don't do wonders for my mood and it is quite cold. I managed to do some exercise yesterday though and felt better. There aren't so many birds when it's really overcast but the other day I counted about ten species when I was out with the dogs and had a bush shrike quite close at hand. Didn't manage to get my proper camera in time though.

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