Friday 24 July 2015

A Good Friday

Day 3 of lithium and apart from nausea on the second night, so far so good. Today has been a high mood rating. Taught art this morning which went well and then went for coffee with my Mum at the new Veldemeers Belgian Chocolate Cafe. Had a yummy hazelnut latte macchiato. Whilst there had the possibility of another student to tutor. From there went to the Fight or Flight exhibition at The Studio on Beeston Close in Borrowdale. Some lovely things and art and a fascinating fabric journal by the Mavros Family.
yummy hazelnut latte macchiato latte at Veldemeers Cafe 

Veldemeers Cafe

The Studio
The Studio

The Studio
Nicole Sanderson's paintings, The Studio

Went to another session of the Heaven Touching Earth conference at River of Life Eastlea. Tonight after worship it was on overcoming pessimism and living with hope and having wisdom.

Am now back where I'm flat sitting and have Ginger on my lap, giving me a clinging hug, whilst Missy the other cat also vies for my attention. 

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