Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Sulpiride highs

Well I saw my psych again today and going over my weekend with her she reckons I was slightly hypomanic which could well tie in with my starting on sulpiride last week. It is the first time in a very long time I would have given my mood a ten out ten though and it felt good, so I am sad to let go of it. I was happily spending extravagantly though and there were a few other indicators of caution. I have to go for blood tests tomorrow and my doctor has said sulpiride would only be a temporary measure and I would need to make a switch in either my mood stabiliser - olanzapine to lamotrigine or bite the bullet and go on lithium.

I am a bit nervous of lithium as it has many side effects and if you ever want children you can't be on it and pregnant. My doctor does keep saying though it is the gold standard for bipolar and many people do well on it.

All this comes when I was starting to seriously think about the UK ticket and when I should go. If all goes well with the medication switch I could just make the end of summer before it starts turning grey and miserable. I think I would do better with sunshine than without but will just have to see. Guess it is one step at a time. It feels at times though like I'm a lab rat being fed different concoctions and it is all one giant brain experiment.

The crunch is my decision making as that is what invariably throws me into a spin and makes me over think. Am going to have to decide pretty soon what I'm doing about going to England and if it is just going to be a brief holiday or a working trip. Trouble is I invest too much into it and make it a weighty consideration.

On the work front here, my Czech lady bailed on me and so I need to make some business cards and try find other students. My grade 7 wrote her exam on Saturday and has cut back to just two lessons a week for now. Have found someone via Bambazonke though who wants art lessons which I'm quite excited about as it will make me do some art with them which would be good. They are a student with ZIVA - the Zimbabwe School of Vigital Arts, who wants to improve their art techniques.

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