Tuesday 7 July 2015


Just heard from my Step-Mother, who was my Dad's second wife, that she and my Half-Sister met up with my Dad in the UK. It seemed to go well, although they were both apprehensive about it. My Dad apparently seemed like a changed man and asked for forgiveness for the past. For the first time he asked after me.

The big thing is my Dad is on Facebook. I don't know how I feel about that and am in two minds as to how to respond. It may be better for me to email him as I haven't communicated with him in any way since I was 14.

It brings up all sorts of mixed feelings and stuff I have buried deep inside. Apparently if I do go over to the UK my Dad is keen to meet me. I will need to be in a strong mental state for that. Had talked to my therapist and we had said it was something I would need to work through again. Haven't thought along this track in a while and there are still parts that are very painful.

Lots to process and a bit of a curveball I won't lie.

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