Thursday 23 July 2015

Heaven Touches Earth

Went for a ladies morning today with people from River of Life Church in Eastlea. They have people visiting from The King's Arms Church in Bedford in the UK for their conference Heaven Touches Earth. It was a good morning of fellowship and ministry and I had someone pray for me for depression. They said I should not see my life defined as having depression and gave a prophetic picture of a Christmas tree with gifts waiting for me to unwrap that God has given me. Was encouraging. Going to go this evening to the conference at River of Life. See here for more.

Had nausea last night after taking my lithium. Hoping and praying it goes and I adjust to it. One day at a time. Have been challenged again about how public I make all of this but I feel it is good to share and I might help others possibly through their experiences of depression if they have it. At least that's what I hope and also get people who don't have it to maybe understand what those who do go through a little bit more. There are lots of us out there.

There is an art exhibition on tomorrow in Borrowdale called "Fight or Flight". Planning on going after I finish teaching art in the morning with a friend. Need to plan things to look forward to and to keep me active. There will also be the annual Verandah Gallery exhibition on Sunday. So lots of art.

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