Monday, 11 February 2019

I may have to lock her up

Getting going this morning was a bit of a juggling act and I felt like I was dropping balls, but it got better when I got back into routine. Two of my boys made me laugh. They told me they were going to play video games after school at one of their houses, so I said, "Oh, so you're having a play date?" The look I got! The one said, "No Miss Lannas, we call it bro-time or socialising. We're not in grade one." Alrighty then. Those terms are new to me.

From my post last night, lots of people got in touch to either offer pressure stockings or to all refer me to a supplier on Kingsmead in Borrowdale. I decided it would be better to get new ones as they need to fit exactly to work properly. I phoned the supplier and they had the size I needed for my mum. They quoted US$55 or 250 bond. Gulp. I planned to go after school but teachers at break said on my way I should try the Village Pharmacy and QV in Sam Levy's. I did this and guess what? They also had the exact size AND they were 3 bond cheaper - it made me feel better even though it was such a small difference and it also meant I didn't have to try find the other place and I managed to go get my mum a new SIM so she can use the phone my sister gave her and be on Whatsapp finally. So I killed several birds at once. I did nearly lose it though in Econet when I thought the assistant was trying to tell me I couldn't queue and fill out a form at the same time. He actually was trying to tell me I could process getting a SIM on the side and didn't need to join the main queue but I misunderstood him and nearly became very angry.

My mum moves back home tomorrow. The specialist will tell her before she is discharged details for booking for surgery in Cape Town. She will probably be away for at least three weeks. I am worried though that if my mum doesn't go almost immediately she is going to start over doing it. She is already muttering she needs to go into school and tidy up her classroom before she goes - NO! So if you hear stories of my mother being locked in the house, you know why. I did tell her tonight she can't afford to undo all the treatment she has just received and the principals from school said she needs to just get better.

Very special, long time family friends, the Makings, had me over for dinner this evening. It was nice to have some company and have a long chat and unburden a bit.

OK I need sleep. Good night.

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