Friday 15 February 2019

Post Valentines

Well my Friday nights haven't looked like the top for a while. Am so glad it is Friday though. This week has been a bit of a killer. Six weeks of term down, eight to go, but next weekend is half term and I will be in Kariba (Yay!) Went to two pharmacies yesterday to ask about anti-malarials.  The one I have opted for isn't 100% effective BUT I had some at home already and the other, which is apparently much more effective costs US$60. I will take Peaceful Sleep too and hope for the best on Deltaprim.

At break yesterday, the head said my class was all lined up in "the petrol queue" waiting to read when I got there. As she went past my classroom, I drove in and the one boy called out, "Mrs Bernade the petrol tanker has arrived." This did make me laugh when she told me at break, but is possibly not the most flattering nickname I've had. Am wondering how much further this fuel queue line is going to go.

My mum despite objections went to school yesterday and taught. My sister had a very stern word with her last night but she doggedly went in again today. She did see the specialist today and my good friend Warren in Cape Town, who is a medic, kindly answered some questions my mum had. Thank you Warren! Need to contact the specialist down there and make a booking and then go from there with organising flights etc.. We are skyping my aunt just now, as soon as load shedding ends and she is online.

The student who was violently ill everywhere last week brought me a very sweet Valentines card and choccies yesterday. I think I have forgiven him now for making me clean up :P Matt, my boyfriend, took me for dinner at Mojo's which was lovely. The first Valentines I've ever had with my own real Valentine. It was special. It is his birthday this weekend so I need to finish making something and I'm taking him to lunch at the restaurant owned by the family of the Sardinian boy I used to tutor.

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