Saturday 9 February 2019

So it looks like surgery in Cape Town

My mum is in high spirits on her comfy hospital bed with a stream of visitors and good hospital food. She has requested a slice of cheesecake though from Classic Desserts tomorrow. I will oblige. As a joke she asked the nurse for champagne and the lady next door asked for wine - between the two of them :P Well the news was not so good from the specialist today. He has concluded it is my mum's varicose veins and faulty valves in her legs. This could lead to ulcers on her veins - not nice and future bleeds (I don't think I can handle more of those). It is a worry that when I am at work and if she is at home and had another one, I wouldn't be there). Well Dr Magaya has said he wants the cellulitis to clear up first, but as soon as it has, she needs to get on a plane and go down to Cape Town for laser surgery on her veins. It will take two to three weeks. Once again, THANK GOD we're on BUPA ... and, my mum's sister lives in Cape Town. I don't think I will be able to go down with her.

So there's my news. I joined a short petrol queue in Kensington and thankfully got a full tank. My dogs at home are very confused about where my mum is and they followed me through to the bathroom which still smells a bit even though I used Jik and Handyandy in large quantities. The dogs looked at me as if to say, "did you kill your mother?"

A big thank you to all, both near and far who have lent support. In particular the Lomagundi home group from the Base Church have been amazing with visiting my mum and keeping her spirits up, as well as praying for her and our friends Vee, Carolina, Deborah and my boyfriend Matthew. People have been very kind.

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