Wednesday 27 December 2017

And so that was Christmas

The days between getting back from Cape Town and the lead up to Christmas have passed in a bit of a blur. Tomorrow I hand back where I have been house sitting. I have grown rather attached to the two dachshunds Lexi and Deeka and was relieved when the kitty in the cottage re-appeared. I had my last three lessons for the year with my Chinese five year old and have since had a welcome break. Am not sure yet when lessons resume. On Saturday we had a braai and the heavens opened as we laid things out outside. An amazing number of people were able to fit under the pool house roof and the braai masters managed to pull it off.

I had a bit of a down on Christmas Eve but Christmas Day was enjoyable. My Chinese student's family had tried to phone me at 7 am, I think to wish me happy Christmas but left a voice message in the end which was very sweet. (I wasn't awake at 7 am). In true family tradition, lunch was served at around 4 pm but was worth the wait. My sister made an amazing chocolate raspberry torte for pudding. Friends came round in the evening and we played one of the board games that had been given as presents - Dixit. (I was given the famous Munchkin as the other).

Finally watched the film Victoria and Abdul yesterday. My cousin helped sew some of the costumes in it. Today we watched the episode on Florence from the series Italy's Invisible Cities. It brought back memories from the month I spent in Italy, being based in Florence or Firenze and climbing up the inside of the Duomo. After watching it I'd love to go back again.

I have my first post-Christmas personal training tomorrow. My trainer is well aware of my injury and said we can do rehab exercises for my ankle. It is less swollen but if I move it in certain directions it still is a bit painful. My sister and brother-in-law went up Domboshawa today with friends. They really should go to Ngomakurira but I don't know that I can do it just yet.

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