Monday, 4 December 2017

Avoiding Glitter Day 1

We embarked on a morning of craft today with the home schoolers. The seven year old was very enthusiastic but her brother had gone to bed late and started flagging mid session. His sister promptly told him he must get going as this was the most fun day of the school year. I did want to say we had done craft at the end of last term but held my tongue. To try get them familiar with Christmas carols since they don't seem to know any I played a continuous stream all morning (yes I was a little over it by the end - we might listen to French songs instead tomorrow). My seven year old informed me she thought carols are rather sad. I played one French one and they thought that was more lively. Today we worked on making a nativity set out of toilet rolls and using various pieces of card and paper I have at home (trying to make use of some of my art supplies - I must stop hoarding). My older student really threw herself into this, even thinking that baby Jesus needed a nappy and then at the end saying how about a push chair! Whilst she was busy gluing she came out with the statement that one day we were going to see each other in heaven. I thought this rather sweet, until her next comment which was that she would be so shocked to see me there - thanks :P

This was the only carol my students thought was happy. I guess they semi have a point.

My personal trainer put me through 40 minutes of heavy going cardio at lunch time. I guess it was preparing me if I want to climb up Table Mountain with others from the wedding group. My PT did say if I do she'd recommend pacing myself but taking short breaks not long ones. Today's cardio had me doing plank jumping jacks (a new one, which was tough!) and then moving my hands in and out while planking (this was hard too - mountain climbers now seem easy, never thought I'd say that). Halfway my PT told me to rest til I was ready for me to start the next thing - she said she had to avoid eye contact to not give away what was coming next. I think I was a purplish hue at the end. Hopefully means I can make it up Table Mountain next week, my PT thinks I can, will see. My friends getting married are a lot fitter than I am.

Having trouble trying to make payments online. My bank has now switched to all transactions having to be done on the internet - you can no longer do it at the bank. The trouble is payments have to go through the RBZ and they can only be processed between 8 am and 2 pm on weekdays. I made one payment at the weekend not knowing this and it left my account but didn't reach the person. Still waiting since last week Tuesday for it to be returned to my account, sigh. On the way back from teaching French this evening I drove along Borrowdale Road past State House and St George's. There are army bases along that road but there was a lot of army presence along the way, even an armoured vehicle by the airforce base which was a little unsettling as I don't know why one of those is still out. Still a rocky road ahead with Zim, one takes each day as it comes.

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