Monday 11 December 2017

Blown Away

Yesterday ended up being seriously windy. In Constantia it wasn't so bad but going round the mountain a very strong southeaster was in full force. My aunt kindly dropped Beth, Andrew and I off at Clifton 1 and we thought it would be sheltered down there but we got sandblasted. I think I still have sand in my ears and in my hair. We found a refuge between the rocks but lost a container of falafel to the wind. The wedding group opted to go further down the coast to Bakhoven but my friend Jamie generously came and fetched us from Clifton. We actually just arrived at Bakhoven when everyone there gave up on battling the wind and we all then headed to Mantra in Camps Bay. It was nice to meet some of the other wedding guests for Saturday and chat. Will join them again for the hike up Skeleton Gorge tomorrow. Jamie did say he can power up in half an hour - gulp.

The topic when we got home to my aunt's last night turned to mental illness. My brother in law commented that there was a film about someone who pretended they had one and they then developed it. I probably am being over sensitive again but it felt like it was directed at me and he was implying I make up being bipolar. It feels like he and my sister just don't want to acknowledge that it is a disease and sometimes I can't help being the way I am.

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