Wednesday, 10 January 2018

And it's only the second day ...

Starting on Tuesday has thrown me as to what day of the week today is. I am now home schooling my original two in the morning and also starting grade 1 by correspondence with my Chinese five year old before he goes back to China in March. In between these two rather heavy commitments (I teach one set in the morning and then my five year old from 1.30 for three hours) I have to fit in my Chinese ten year old for French and have yet to hear from my form four (he contacted me about the accounts text book I suggested last term but has yet to start on tutoring). I had forgotten how much prep work grade one is. At least I am semi familiar with it from last year and this year's student should be easier.

Saw a friend today who also teaches English as a second language and I am going to meet with her next week to discuss teaching online as that is what I will do with my five year old when he is in China. Apparently it is not so easy to use Skype in China. I may have to develop an educational blog or record lessons and upload them. Will see. Another friend of mine is working on developing online material for children studying for Cambridge high school exams by distance learning. Apparently there is a course offered by Edinburgh University focusing on online learning and developing materials for it. The friend I saw today also gave me an invitation to go to her workshop on Nia on Saturday morning. Hopefully I don't have to jump around as my ankle is still tender. I am going to see my GP tomorrow. Went to the Well Woman Clinic this morning and I may have to up my lithium around the time I get PMS. Apparently it is not uncommon to get heightened bipolar rage then. Was told that I now have to start having a battery of other tests done yearly - the joys of being a woman!

What with the Nia workshop, a friend's farewell, going back to Market Square and seeing another friend, this weekend is looking fairly busy. Will need to also fit in lesson preparation now and try get ahead for the week. Went to a pub quiz last night and the last round was on Zimbabwe politics post the 14th November last year. Knew a couple of the twenty questions but am afraid the vast majority I didn't - I probably should though. Really hoping I can register to vote in time once I've sorted out my ID on Sunday.

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