Monday 18 May 2020

And it's Monday

Made it through another Monday of virtual learning. One of my class decided to put on a scary mask halfway through my Zoom session this morning and I had to ask them to remove it. He then some how managed to shut himself out of the meeting and I had my phone on silent so wasn't aware his mum was trying to call me to add him back on - arrrgh! We semi got through division of fractions. Not all of my class had done the work from last week. Government has said exam classes can go back but they haven't given an indication of when or how yet. Bit tricky if only my grade 7's and I have to keep up with virtual for my grade 6's but am not going to stress over it and just keep plodding on.

Hit quite a dip this weekend. I think it was partly after Mrs Toovey's funeral and partly other things. Just felt really low and struggled.

Joining my sister's Pilates just now. Need to do some exercise. Will try do some training in the garden tomorrow as I don't need to go into school then.

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