Thursday 7 May 2020

Back to reviewing

Thankfully prep for online school and work packs is pretty much done and dusted, as I have to re-review the wetland paper for the journal. Reviewing has kept me busy for a fair bit of today. Otherwise did some much needed watering of the garden (it is missing Given our gardner who is at home with his family in Epworth for the lock down). I also did a work out that my personal trainer Demi had sent me. This evening I joined in my sister's online Zumba Zoom class. I still don't feel that coordinated trying to follow at times.

Otherwise have been planning lunch for Sunday for my mum's 70th. I am going to have a go at trying to make lemon, Parmesan and garlic chicken. If I can't find Parmesan cheese I may have to resort to Kefalotiri. Have ordered a chocolate cake from Sorellas. Will have to do a bigger celebration with other friends when we are out of lock down and can meet in bigger groups.

I have also been going through old family photographs. My mum was born in Cromer, in England and lived there til she was 8 and then moved to Kenya. My grandparents moved back to England briefly when my mum was 11, before then sailing out to Cape Town and driving up to what was then Rhodesia. My mum has lived in Africa ever since.

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