Friday, 22 May 2020

Doctor's visit

Had to venture into town this afternoon for my routine check up with my psychiatrist. He got his patients to all wait in our cars rather than in the reception. It was a shorter wait than normal. When I was called inside we both had masks on and I sat away from him and all the doors and windows were open. Need to have blood tests done to check on my lithium levels but will have to wait until flights resume to South Africa as the blood samples have to be flown to Joburg. The good news was that I have lost quite a bit of weight since I last saw him. On the way home, I drove past Parirenyatwa, which is one of our major hospitals. There was only one person standing by the entrance dispensing hand sanitizer to those driving in. The person was clad in flimsy blue plastic and it didn't present a great frontline to Corona.

It looks like I will be teaching two Chinese five year olds who usually go to the French School here, but who are back home in China. I need to prepare for the French lessons tomorrow. Will be doing it over WeChat. Zoom lessons continue with my class. They have discovered how to use the chat setting and how to also post on my shared screen. It is a bit irritating that I can't tell who has posted stuff on the screen. We soldier on with fractions and the like. My students keep asking when we are going back to school, but I don't know. ED said exam classes should go back but he hasn't said when or under what conditions, and until he does there isn't much we can do. In the meantime, I get introductions to all my students' pets and they like to keep changing their Zoom backgrounds.

Had a chat with my best friend Nina, last weekend and we exchanged notes on teaching online and then trying to do NILD educational therapy online too and I got to see her delightful three year old, Emmy. This week I was able to chat to my good friends Heather and Delfina, both in the UK, which was lovely too. My sister is keen for us as a family, to try play some online board games. I've been doing her Pilates and Zumba classes still too. Doesn't really feel like Friday but hope you all have a good weekend :)


  1. Adjusting to online teaching is exhausting, but it has perks. Wow, you also can teach French!

    1. Yes, you kinda gotta just go with the flow. Beginner French :)
