Monday, 4 May 2020

Getting into the swing and Doom's Day

Yesterday was surprisingly exhausting. We had our staff meeting and it was decided that each teacher would adopt the approach to remote learning that they are comfortable with.  One poor older teacher was completely overwhelmed by all my group chat links on online tools. I will be using Zoom but also make Padlets and work packs to be collected and then to be returned to mark. I started some photocopying of past grade 7 entrance exam papers but will see where I can go paperless.

Talk in the staff meeting did turn to Corona and one teacher had watched Carte Blanche on Sunday and was very concerned that they had reported that the Doom's Day book has been recalculated and we now have fewer days left til the end of the world. I am afraid I got the giggles on that one.

Went to get groceries from Arundel PicknPay and most people were wearing masks, which you are now supposed to. Have put in an order for reusable ones. Wearing my mask all day though gave me a king size headache when I got home. I managed only half a Pilates class with my sister and others online before I had to lie down. I think it was my first migraine.

One of the parents at school works at the US Embassy and she is keen for two of us younger teachers to apply for an exchange program for teachers who teach children with learning difficulties. If you are selected you could go to the States and a teacher from there would come here. Obviously right now no one is traveling but they are taking applications for when people can.

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