Sunday, 29 January 2017

Just increase your meds

This past week I had a bit of a dip again. Part of it was due to the frustration of not being able to seek expert advice on Ira and his autism and then for his speech impediment and partly I think it was also premenstrual. In any case it resulted in one day not being able to get myself out of bed to school. I did let them know. On Thursday I managed to go to the ministry training on following the correspondence school for grade one. Most of it was in the manual and a lot was in Shona so I didn't find it particularly useful. We were given a letter when we handed in work on Tuesday saying we needed to give $5 towards snacks for the bring and share! On the day they demanded instead a $5 registration fee.

When I went back to teaching Ira on Friday I was told that if I miss another day of school I lose the job. I was asked what was wrong with me and I said I get depression. I don't think the person understood the severity as she said oh she gets it too but can force herself to carry on. I told her I was bipolar and she said oh, well couldn't I just increase my medication when I felt low? Not only am I not allowed to miss a single day of school I have to pay out of my salary for the person who replaced me. The only consoling thing was that apparently Ira missed me and on Friday when it was someone's birthday in the nursery school he apparently had a plate for me and said he needed a slice for his teacher.

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