Tuesday 3 January 2017

Pretty please with peanut butter on

When getting Runbo to say please and thank you I started getting him to say "pretty please with peanuts on". Well Runbo has now taken to saying when he really wants me to do something "Pretty please Katy with peanut butter on". I maybe should stick to standard English but it is ever so endearing.

Today I made salt dough from corn flour and bicarbonate of soda so we could use the borrowed dinosaur biscuit cutters one last time and make dinosaurs that could last forever. Runbo was a bit disappointed when he learnt he couldn't eat these dinosaurs like the last ones. I kept reiterating these ones would last forever. I brought a dragon biscuit cutter too and he was introduced to the world of dragons. Thinking maybe we can move to knights in armour and fire breathing beasts, a bit of a change from dinosaurs. We'll paint the dinosaurs and dragon tomorrow.

Have had a bit of dip in mood since Christmas but it seems to be lifting a bit. Seems to have been a drawn out PMT.

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