Thursday, 5 January 2017

Parachutes and Vintage

Today I made parachutes with Runbo and he quickly decided it wasn't nearly exciting enough using the pipe cleaner man we'd made. No, we had to get Peppa Pig, D. rex and then his M&M blue guy. When they landed rather heavily on the ground he pronounced them light - I've worked out this means dead, so corrected him and he said, yes that's what he said - OK. We ended the lesson with me being asked to draw T. rexes and being told no that's not what they look like. When I suggested Runbo then draw them he said oh no, he can draw planes but not dinosaurs.

At the end of every lesson Runbo's Granny always makes me a mug of green tea and a mug of rooibos. I have acquired a taste for green tea through this. This week she has been adding dried rose buds which do give it a nice taste. Runbo's Granny speaks hardly any English and since I am limited in my Chinese the exchanges involve a lot of nodding. I do know how to say xiè xiè (表示感激) or thank you from my brief Chinese lessons with my friend Sharon but that's about it. At times Runbo has had to be translator, particularly on the one day where I was going to a dinner straight after and couldn't manage to eat the food I get given. I am served a mixture of Chinese and Zimbabwean/European snacks. I typically am given a plate with pistachios (which are Runbo's favourite), pretzels, some raisins, a couple of sesame chips, sometimes a Danish butter cookie, possibly jelly crocodiles and then a variety of Chinese treats such as a sponge square with jelly pineapple in the middle, a marshmallow with a cream filling, wasabi peas or occasionally a strip of what I think is pork in a honey glazing (not so keen on this one). I don't need a meal after usually and feel it only polite to try eat everything. As soon as I finish my green tea it is usually refilled (green tea is supposed to be very good for you, so all good).

Chinese marshmallows

It's my to-be-godson Philippe's first birthday on Sunday. I am down to make 60 cupcakes and will go early and set up. I am apparently billed as the professional photographer for the day - eeeek. The theme is vintage so need to dig around in my cupboard and see what kind of outfit I can come up with. My Mum says she thinks of vintage as the 1920's but from Pinterest it would seem the 1950's and 60's more.

Looks like I'll be teaching a little boy who should be going into Grade 1 this year. His parent's couldn't find him a place in other schools. I am to follow the correspondence syllabus. Will be experience in trying to teach someone to read and write which is useful as I've had two Chinese students in the past whose parents wanted me to do this. In the afternoons I will tutor and take Runbo. Had been wanting to try visit Cape Town. Teaching the Grade 1 will mean I will have to postpone till the school holidays in April, but that's OK.

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