So ... after more than six weeks ... I got to school today to be told I could use the big photocopier and printer as ZESA finally installed the new transformer for Piers Road at the weekend and we have electricity - queue happy interpretive dance. But ... I then had to fight with the big printer's paper tray as it kept saying it didn't have paper, when it jolly well did. This is minor though. The point is I can now print and do so when I wish, not just when a generator is on and I am not limited. Which means my really slow students can get printouts instead of taking FOREVER to write things down. YAY!
My voice lasted until just after break time. I think my students seem to think that my having no voice means they should make more noise. I particularly had to speak to my grade sevens and tell them to please apply themselves as they jolly well had work to do. My one delightful grade seven who is one of the boys guilty of the note passing decided he would tipex out a whole lot of comments I had written in his book. I don't know if he thought that in this way he could just ignore them. Am afraid I gave him a lecture that this was just not on. I don't sit and write comments in his book for fun - it takes me a lot of time to mark all of these books. Other than that assembly went fairly well, although I got some of the grade ones putting up their hands and asking me questions that had nothing to do with plastic. I guess grade ones can do this at the best of times. My grade 7s did try to get me to digress mid-lesson with questions on the Avengers. When I said I hadn't watched the latest two and had only seen Justice League there was a small uproar.
I came dashing back to teach my Chinese student online but his mum came on looking flustered and said he has a high fever and is unwell. Shame, I don't know if it is still his reaction to the pollution in X'ian. I promised to send him a photo of the fish my friends caught in Nyanga this weekend as my five year old was keen to see a photo as he went fishing at Troutbeck before he left Zimbabwe. I was asked to go help my form four this afternoon with his literature. We had to analyse a piece of prose, looking at the creation of tension and suspense. My student's parents have just closed their restaurant in Highlands which is a pity as it was one of my favourites. While I was teaching a whole lot of the restaurant's garden furniture was being brought into their yard at home. I have sat on those benches and had many a deep conversation with friends over a cup of coffee. I hope they can reopen somewhere else. My student told my mum he made the mozzarella and grew herbs for the restaurant.
Yesterday after getting back from Nyanga, I went home via Selborne Routledge to check my details were correct on the voters' roll which is up for inspection until tomorrow (you can still also register to vote by tomorrow). The back of the hall at the school was being used and seemed to be the ECD classroom with paper cut outs stuck up and toys stacked in the corner. I think the ladies doing the inspection were teachers. Took less than five minutes and all was in order. I had tried using the number on Econet that Rusty Markham, one of the city counsellors had given that you could text to check your registration by mobile. I tried on there but wanted to go in and double check.
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