Monday 14 October 2013

Back to square one

The job I have been doing has been stressful of late and I haven't been entirely happy with a number of things. Today I received an email saying that the organisation can no longer afford to keep me on. In a way this is a welcome release and means I can look for something else. It does mean however that I will be without a major source of income and I need to urgently find something in order to survive financially. I may have to just suck it up and put in to teach. Not sure how easy it's going to be to find teaching jobs though as most schools seem to have their full quota of teachers.

In the meantime I luckily have some consulting work to tide me over. I am facing a conflict in personal and work interests though in the jobs I have to do as they involve wetlands and proposals to build over them which goes against my fundamental opinion. Will have to try find a way round this and do what I can to protect the wetlands.

It is a bit scary suddenly not having a source of income again as work is very scarce in Zim and there is no social security to fall back on. I am exploring what avenues I can and trusting that there is something else out there.

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