Saturday, 26 October 2013

Taking flight

In trying to decide on what it is I really really actually want to do, I find my mind is flighty and I have idealistic ideas of things. The nuts and bolts of it is I need to find something, not necessarily my dream but hopefully something I enjoy. When I peruse job adverts though I find myself snobbish and that most of the jobs advertised don't live up to my expectations. I recently saw a post on the internet suggesting that my generation finds it hard to find a job that makes them happy and that we have grandiose ideals of who we are and what we deserve in life. Whilst it was in a way over board and verging on the comic, it did have grains of truth in it that I could semi-relate to.

article -

Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy

I'm finding myself repeatedly questioning what I truly want out of life and what job would be what I really would find fulfilling. The life I have been living for the last couple of years has been doing odd jobs but the variation has been stimulating. I think I will struggle to find a single job that will allow me to be scientific and creative at the same time and which will give me complete satisfaction. Must I settle for less though and can I afford to be so choosey? That's the big question for me that remains to be answered, hopefully out of choice and not necessity.

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